Giriş çalışma aralığı (170 ~ 265 Vac / 47 ~ 63Hz) |
Active Power Factor Correction (PFC) |
2U size with 2400W output power |
Ayarlı Gerilim Kaynağı veya Akım Kaynağı
olarak kullanılabilir |
Mikroişlemci kontrollü |
RS-232 / RS-485& analogue programming interfaces (Standart) |
High accuracy programming / readback-16 bit |
Software calibration (no internal trimmers / potentiometers) |
Last setting memory |
Output voltage and current setting and monitoring function with analog signal control |
Independent remote ON/OFF (SO:Shut-Out) and Enable/Disable. (Isolated from the output with opto-coupler) |
Parellel operation (Master/Slave) with active current sharing |
Couling fan speed control for low noise and extended fan life |
Compact and lightweight package which allows easy installation and space saving in the application equipment |
High density stacking - no ventilation holes on the top and bottom surface of the power supply |